The Overstimulated is a space to share my experiences with an online audience. Please bear in mind that I have multiple health diagnoses and disabilities including: PTSD, Fibromyalgia, IBS, Anxiety, Autism, and Depression. This firsthand perspective is coming from someone hypersensitive to sounds and smells, and hypervigilant about my surroundings. I find it helps to review the expectations of new experiences virtually as much as possible prior to engaging the first time. The anxieties don’t completely dissipate, but they do lessen, if I can form some visualization of what to anticipate. Hopefully discussing these adventures will provide other people with an accurate representation of what they could expect should they attempt to recreate the event. I also share updates on my health as my journey progresses.

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Sharing my experiences being overstimulated by the outside world.


PTSD, Fibromyalgia, IBS, Depression, Anxiety, & Autism... Hypervigilant, hypersensitive. Overstimulated easily.